After taking a hiatus for over a decade, I'm back on Newgrounds!
Back in 2009 I took a break from making Flash animations in order to focus on a career in digital arts, and then moved from Lancaster, PA to New York City. Since then, I've become well-adept with photography and making elaborate LEGO creations, and in the recent years I've started making my own stop-motion LEGO brickfilms. I decided to start mirroring my LEGO videos on Newgrounds, so what you see here (moving forward) are videos that I've put on YouTube previously.
I've also removed some of my older Flash animations due to how poor the quality was, yet I've kept some of my other classic Flash videos due to popularity – namely the Sephiroth and SAW videos. I mean, in retrospect, they were poorly-made self-insert Mary Sue videos full of copyrighted material, but they serve as a time capsule of the old internet!
Since brickfilm animations take a long time to create, I can't guarantee I'll be uploading as frequently as when I made Flash. However, at the time of this post, I'm currently in the process of moving into a new apartment with a better housing situation than what I currently have now, which means I'll more comfortably be able to focus on making stop-motion animations.
-Baron von Brunk
Welcome back